Günther Seeber
Fit for Business. Pre-Vocational Education in European Schools
„What are the strengths and weaknesses of pre-vocational education in different European countries, and what can they learn from each other?” (S.9) Thisis the basic research question asked by a team of European researchers who present their results of a comparative empirical analysis in this anthology. They firstly undertook a curricular anal-ysis in seven European countries and afterwards they interviewed teachers as well as representatives of relevant social partners. The book provides interested readers with a plenitude of enlightening results. These are presented in a reproducible and systematical way. Therefore the English written volume can be highlyrecommended to get a deeper insight in European pre-vocational education at compulsory schools.
Seeber, Günther (2013): Rezension - Fit for Business. Pre-Vocational Education in European Schools. In: Zeitschrift für ökonomische Bildung, Ausgabe 2, 109-111.
Direktlink zum Artikel: http://www.zfoeb.de/2013_2/2013-2_S_109-111_Pilz_u_a_Rezension.pdf