Zeitschrift für ökonomische Bildung Heft Nr. 4/2016/ DOI: 10.7808/8087.7
Christin Siegfried, Eveline Wuttke
How can Prospective Teachers Improve their Economic Competence?
Results of an Intervention Study

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Economic competence is a basic and central competence necessary for individual chances in life and the development of societies. However, studies show that young adults lack adequate knowledge in economics, which might be attributed to a lack in education and probably to deficits in teacher knowledge. We therefore developed and evaluated a training program in economics for prospective teachers of politics and economics. While there is an increase in knowledge, attitudes towards economic contents remain unchanged.

Zitieren dieses Beitrages
Siegfried, Christin/ Wuttke, Eveline (2016): How can Prospective Teachers Improve their Economic Competence? - Results of an Intervention Study. In: Zeitschrift für ökonomische Bildung, Ausgabe 4, 65-86.

Direktlink zum Artikel: http://www.zfoeb.de/2016_4/2016_4_siegfried_wuttke_economic_competence.pdf